Team development is tailor-made

Team effectiveness covers inspiring goals, clear rules and effective cooperation.


Where do you want to go and what do you stand for?

Teams achieve top performance when there is focus on the end goal, when tasks are properly divided, responsibilities are clear and team members work together optimally.

Team effectiveness covers inspiring goals, clear rules and effective cooperation. Goals are about vision and plans. The rules of the game concern agreements, tasks and responsibilities. Collaboration is about building and maintaining strong professional relationships, about mutual trust and about representing and supporting each other.

Experience shows that many teams (unfortunately) do not perform optimally. This is visible in missed objectives, in failure to keep agreements, in disappointed people – in and outside the team. All this regularly leads to frustration and irritation.

LMS approach

LMS challenges leadership

Team interventions take place at three levels: goals, rules and cooperation. The order is not random: effective collaboration requires clear goals with clear rules. Commitment then leads to cooperation.

Team development is tailor-made. That is why all our team interventions are designed together with the client.
Where necessary or desired, we use supporting instruments for team development. Examples are My Motivation Insights, Team Up of MBTI.


The result of team development

Team development is about connecting and trust.

  • Connection to the common goal in relation to individual goals

  • Commitment to the agreed-upon methods and rules to achieve these goals.
  • Insight into effective and less effective team patterns.
  • Strong professional relationships, aligned with the task at hand.
  • Skill in handling conflicts.
  • Trust in the team and leveraging each other’s strengths.

> Training for managers and professionals

We offer Post Academic training through open registration, but also through customization.

All training courses can be tailor-made to suit your needs. In this way, a training course supports organizational goals and accelerates change processes.

We offer Post Academic training through open registration, but also through customization.

All training courses can be tailor-made to suit your needs. In this way, a training course supports organizational goals and accelerates change processes.

Please contact us for advice.

Call us 06 4436 7788